For the first time ever, we are happy to offer our award-winning NEX nodes to our existing clients at a very special reduced cost, due to an excess of inventory. Our excess is your gain!
FOR A LIMITED TIME, you can pick up an unlimited quantity of NEX nodes for just $995 each. This offer is for EXISTING CLIENTS ONLY.
In addition to this very special offer, for every NEX node you purchase, we will extend Dashboard plan service 6 months for the node or nodes of your choosing. This adds a value of almost $180 for each node purchased.
And, to sweeten this offer even more, pick up some extra sensors for your upcoming winter projects at our lowest “100-up” price for any quantity of any length sensor.
Battery chargers are available at regular pricing, so don’t forget to add one or more, depending on how many NEX nodes you are buying.
Don’t wait to order the nodes you need. We only have a limited number of units at this price. This offer ends on 12/31/2024, or when the inventory is gone.
For more information and to place your order today, contact John Gnaedinger:
cell: 636-675-4800
email: john.gnaedinger@concure.com
We Appreciate Your Business!